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Monday - Section A (3-Feb-25)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1246.0 64.06% Edward Hahn - Jeff Conroy (3)0.24
2223.0 58.07% Joyce Donovan - Lynne Hendry (7)0.17
3203.0 52.86% Eddie Heinemeyer - Cheryl Finlayson (6)0.12
4202.0 52.60% Charmaine Hanlon - Gillian Hislop (1) 
5175.0 45.57% Erol Ergin - Sue Witham (2) 
6162.0 42.19% George Saunders - Heather Llewellyn (4) 
7133.0 34.64% Lee Stenson - Jackie Hughes (5) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1201.0 59.82% Carole Roache - Archie Titchkosky (6)0.24
2182.0 54.17% Fran Hagon - Linda Faulls (7)0.17
3180.0 53.57% Maria Grunert-Bl - Chloe Lauman (1)0.12
4175.0 52.08% Gillian Chase - Graham Dawes (4)0.08
5170.0 50.60% Pam Scarr - Carolyn McMurray (3) 
6163.0 48.51% Lynn Harris - Sylvia Cryer (2) 
7148.0 44.05% Bryan Olsen - Suzanne Rada (8) 
8125.0 37.20% Ross Stenson - Warwick Radonich (5) 

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