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Pair 4 NS - Graham Dawes / Gillian Chase
Place: 3, Percentage: 51.11%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 17: Jeanne Adams / Erica Joyce4S S9C104201056%  
Board 27: Jeanne Adams / Erica Joyce2C E6H6100844%  
Board 37: Jeanne Adams / Erica Joyce3NT E3H10-63000%  
Board 46: Max Steigmeier / Archie Titchkosky3S E5H9-1401267%  
Board 56: Max Steigmeier / Archie Titchkosky2NT E5C7501478%  
Board 66: Max Steigmeier / Archie Titchkosky3NT WTC10-630211%  
Board 75: Brenda Baber / Chloe Lauman4H N8D126801478%  
Board 85: Brenda Baber / Chloe Lauman4H WAC9501267%  
Board 95: Brenda Baber / Chloe Lauman2S SAD81101056%  
Board 104: George Saunders / Heather Llewellyn3NT SAD116601161%  
Board 114: George Saunders / Heather Llewellyn3H N8C10170950%  
Board 124: George Saunders / Heather Llewellyn1NT SAC101801583%  
Board 133: Linda Barry / Claudia Bailey4S EQH12-680844%  
Board 143: Linda Barry / Claudia Bailey3H SAC101701794%  
Board 153: Linda Barry / Claudia Bailey3NT N5D8-100422%  
Board 162: Justine Warner / Suzanne Rada2S EAD71001689%  
Board 172: Justine Warner / Suzanne Rada2H WKC7501478%  
Board 182: Justine Warner / Suzanne Rada3H S4D8-100950%  
Board 191: Kel Rothery / Carole Roache1NT E8D9-150211%  
Board 201: Kel Rothery / Carole Roache4H S3C116501161%  
Board 211: Kel Rothery / Carole Roache4S N3H10620844%  
Board 2211: Beverley Jones / Bob Jones4H S5C8-10000%  
Board 2311: Beverley Jones / Bob Jones2D EKC9-1101056%  
Board 2411: Beverley Jones / Bob Jones2D WKC8-90422%  
Board 2510: Ian Cameron / Carole Cooke4S SAC114501478%  
Board 2610: Ian Cameron / Carole Cooke4H SKD126801478%  
Board 2710: Ian Cameron / Carole Cooke3H EQC11-200528%  
Board 318: Renee Hoy / Judi Sheridan3NT S5H5-40016%  
Board 328: Renee Hoy / Judi Sheridan5NT E4H11-660422%  
Board 338: Renee Hoy / Judi Sheridan2NT W3D610018100%  

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